36 hours after their dog falls off their boat, a miracle happens

The unconditional love we have for our furry companions makes them much more than just pets; they are full members of our family. That’s why the sudden disappearance of Rocky, the Wiseman family’s golden retriever, came as a real shock. For 36 hours, fear was at its peak after his fall into the Ashley River. But sometimes life has beautiful surprises in store, and Rocky’s story is nothing short of a miracle.

A river trip takes an unexpected turn

Jeff Wiseman and his faithful companion, Rocky, enjoy a quiet day on the Ashley River in South Carolina. These moments of bonding are valuable for dog owners, giving their dogs the opportunity to satisfy their natural curiosity. But what seemed to be a relaxing day quickly took a dramatic turn. As he diverted his attention from his dog to check his phone, Jeff couldn’t foresee the collision with an old scaffolding. The ensuing shock threw the dog out of the boat and made him disappear into the dark water.

Leur chien tombe de leur bateau et disparaît, 36 heures plus tard un miracle se product
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Desperate searches in the darkness

Jeff quickly returned to his boat, his mind flooded with worries for his golden retriever. Despite his efforts, the gathering darkness made it increasingly difficult to find Rocky. Distressed, he called emergency services in the hope that they could help find his beloved companion. Since he himself had been injured, rescuers insisted that he allow himself to be treated while they continued the search. Unfortunately, the first night ended without any trace of Rocky, and the rescuers had to abandon their efforts.

Leur chien tombe de leur bateau et disparaît, 36 heures plus tard un miracle se product
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A community mobilizes

Refusing to give up all hope, the Wiseman family turned to their power of solidarity community. Kim Wiseman put out a call on Facebook that quickly mobilized the entire city. Volunteers flocked to search for the dog along the river. Despite this wave of generosity, Rocky remained missing. But the family did not lose hope and fate would be kind to them.

The long-awaited miracle

When all seemed lost, a phone call delivered the news everyone was waiting for: Rocky had been found safe and sound. Miles away from where he disappeared, he almost seemed to be waiting for his family, still dressed in his life jacket. The reunion was charged with emotion and the gratitude towards those who had kept hope and helped in the search was enormous.

Leur chien tombe de leur bateau et disparaît, 36 heures plus tard un miracle se product
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This experience not only strengthened the bond of the Wiseman family, but also that of an entire community. It proved that hope, even in the darkest moments, is a powerful force. And although Rocky was traumatized by his adventure, his long post-rescue nap was the best comfort for him and his loving family.

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about the author, Elizabeth Johnson
Hello! I'm Elizabeth, a devoted animal lover and passionate blogger. At 55, my love for creatures great and small continues to grow. I'm blessed to share my life with two magnificent Australian Shepherds who bring joy and energy to every day. On my blog, I share stories, tips, and discoveries about animals, aiming to connect with fellow enthusiasts and promote animal welfare. Join me on this journey to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the animal world!
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